I’m Lee. Born and raised straight outta Austin, but I travel all around this big ass state. and this world. I'm a lil bit rock n roll, a lil bit soft spoken and gentle. I'm loud about what I believe in and who I love because life is too short to be ashamed of any of those things. If you eat ice cream for dinner, binge watch movies in your makeshift living room bed, get tattoos when you’re drunk, skinny dip in rivers, go on road trips, eat pizza in bed after a long day at work or cook some fancy shit, I got you. I don't judge you on how you spend your free time. As long as you trust me and I trust you, we will create magic together, believe me.


Meet Your Photographer

I’m a daydreamer. A hopeless romantic. Best friend to all animals. I wanna experiment. I wanna try new things and push the narrative. The day might feel quick but we’re gonna vibe together while I get the shot. If you’re having fun, I’m having fun. If you’re crying you bet your ASS I'm crying. (Hi, cancer over here. What’s your sign?) I want the candid, the raw, the emotional. I want the lovers who wanna run away and buy ice cream after the ceremony. Or the ones who want to hide away to make out. I want the people who smoke a j before their ceremony or the ones who take shots. Got a petting zoo? Hell yeah. Bringing a tattoo machine? Lets fuckin go. I wanna celebrate YOUR LOVE. I want to celebrate what makes y’all, y’all.



I believe black lives matter. I believe love is love. I think the more tattoos you have the cooler you are. I'm from Austin so I love live music. Music festivals are the greatest thing ever. I love traveling as you can see, but I believe there is power in learning when you visit other cultures. I think west Texas is one of the greatest places in the world.  I love trying new food, although my significant other is a great cook I'll choose going out to eat any day. I believe we should be nicer to the environment. I like true crime podcasts like Last Podcast On The Left and My Favorite Murder (#SSDGM). I think minimalism, although it's beautiful, is a death to all things creative. I wear many hats and do more than photography! I think Wes Anderson is a far better director than Quentin Tarantino. I love all kinds of movies, but Lords of Dogtown takes the cake. I love skating and BMX.  Photography is my biggest way of expressing myself and it always will be.